
DrymbaDaDzyga Band was created in 2006 in Kyiv on the initiative of the bass player, Aleksander Novichenko. Musicians from different projects joined in with the common idea of creating an ethno-rock band with a new and powerful sound.

In the years of its existence DDD has participated in many Ukrainian and European festivals, such as Kraying Mriy, Slavke Rock, Pdkamin, Trypilske Kolo, Przystaneck Woodstock, Piknik Reggae, Ukraine-Georgia: Two Hearts, One Soul!, and many others, where they introduced the audience to the new, modern version of Ukrainian folklore.

In 2008 the Band released their first album - Slavske Rock 2007 Live, recorded right at the festival, thus preserving the unique energy of the live performance.

2010 was very productive for DDD, as the countless hours of hard work and creative sessions have finally paid of, and the the first studio album OGOooo!!! was released, getting many warm reviews from professional musicians and critics.

Throughout its existence DDD had several band members change. Sergiy Hitsun, Sergiy Soloviy and Inna Prokopchuk of the initial line-up helped set the direction for the Band and its future. The Band was then joined by amazing new members - Anastasia Tkachenko, Artem Leisman and Oleksii Klonkin - giving the Band both a fresh sound and look.

DDD is a great example of modern Ukrainian music that combines ethnic roots with new rock sound, whose continuous work attracts more and more supporter to Ukrainian culture each day.  

Group members:

Анастасія Ткаченко

Анастасія Ткаченко

Василь Солом'яний- барабани

Василь Солом'яний

Card image cap

Олександр Новіченко

Денис Гриценко- труба

Денис Гриценко

Олексій Кльонкін

Олексій Кльонкін

Олексій Кльонкін

Юрій Тертичний

Українська версія сайту